1. These Terms of Use should be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions, application forms and fee schedules of your Policy / Policies held with Utmost Worldwide Limited or Utmost PanEurope dac "Documents". If there is anything in these Documents that you do not understand, please contact us on +44 (0) 1481 715400 (lines are open 9 am to 5 pm (GMT) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) or call your usual contact.
2. When you click "I accept" at the end of these Terms of Use, you agree to be bound by them.
3. UCS Online Service Centre (the "UOSC") is an online service provided by Utmost Worldwide Limited and Utmost PanEurope dac trading as UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS ("UCS", "us", "we", "our"). It enables you to view any Policy relevant to you, communicate securely with us, upload documents and have access to relevant information, product details and other materials.
4. Defined terms appear at the end of these Terms of Use and in the terms that govern the use of your Policy.
5. All of the information and content of this website, including but not limited to all text, graphics, software applications, video and audio files and photos ("Content") is UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS', or the property of the suppliers, and is protected by copyright under THE APPLICABLE LAWS, unless otherwise indicated.
6. You may make and use printouts of the Content for personal, non-commercial use only, unless your use is in the context of a service provision, to which UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS is a party, such as in your role as an employer or an intermediary, provided that the printouts retain all copyright, trademark and proprietary notices.
7. The use of the Content on any other website or in a networked computer environment for any purpose, or any other republication or redistribution of the Content, including, without limitation, framing the Content within another website, is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS.
8. For certain types of communications through this website, we require the use of usernames, passwords and other Security Information.
9. While we provide this precaution to protect confidential information and provide suitable security, we do not guarantee or warrant that information transmitted through the Internet is secure, or that such transmissions will be free from delay, interruption, interception or error.
10. We will take all reasonable care to ensure the security of, and prevent unauthorised access to, our UOSC and the data contained therein.
11. We will also take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained within these pages is accurate and up-to-date.
12. While we will make reasonable efforts to provide these online services, we may suspend the operation of our UOSC, where we reasonably consider it necessary, including for technical problems, emergencies, maintenance, regulatory reasons or where we decide it is sensible for our or your protection.
13. You must:
(a) follow the procedures and instructions in any user guidance that we give you from time to time, including using any required authentication procedures we give you, where required; and
(b) tell us as soon as you can if you become aware of any failure, delay, malfunction, virus or error in the sending or receiving of instructions or any suspected fraud.
14. You are responsible for protecting your Security Information from any disclosure to third parties.
15. If you suspect someone knows your Security Information, you must contact us immediately. Tell us by telephone: +44 (0) 1481 715400 (lines are open 9 am to 5 pm (GMT) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays). If you fail to do so as soon as possible, you will be liable for any unauthorised activity on any Policy relevant to you that is affected by the use of your Security Information.
16. We will not be liable for any losses you may suffer due to any failure of the online services, transmission failure or delays or similar technical errors, or problems with the software or data feeds provided by third parties, to the extent that the failure is beyond our reasonable control.
17. You should ensure your computer, modem or any other device you use adequately complies with the latest security standards and requirements and carry out your own regular virus checks and security updates.
18. If you use our UOSC, outside the jurisdiction in which we provide services to you, you do so at your own risk, as it may be against the law in that country.
19. Unless we tell you otherwise, any software, hardware or devices we provide to you in connection with the UOSC, is licensed to us and only permitted for your use under this Agreement. The copyright and all other rights in it and in any user guides or other information we provide to you, remains owned by us or by the person who licenses it to us, if applicable. You must use it exclusively in connection with this Agreement and as described in any user guide or other information we provide to you. You will obtain no rights, title or interest in any such materials or intellectual property rights relating to them.
20. The records we maintain of any secure communication, instructions or other transactions will be final evidence of those secure communications, instructions or other transactions and of the time they are given or carried out except where there is an obvious mistake.
21. You are responsible if, when you use our UOSC, you give us incorrect instructions or mistakenly instruct us.
22. You are responsible for all instructions given by you or anyone acting with or without your authority between the time you pass the security procedure and the time you exit our UOSC. In your own interests, you should not leave the device you are using to access our UOSC unattended while you are still logged on.
23. After you have signed up to our UOSC, we will never contact you with a request to disclose your security details in full. If you receive such a request from anyone, it is fraudulent and you must not supply your security details to them. Please forward such a request to us at [email protected] and delete the email immediately.
24. In using this website, you specifically agree that you will not hold UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS liable to you or any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages of any kind arising out of any use by you of this website (or any other linked website), whether those damages are financial in nature or result from lost, incomplete or interrupted data or transactions.
25. The Company acknowledges that UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS is not responsible for the actions of the User and how they use the information obtained from the UOSC. Indeed the Company acknowledges responsibility for any breach of the Terms of Use and/or misuse of data by the User and indemnifies and holds UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS harmless for any and all direct and/or indirect costs resulting from such breach or misuse. Furthermore the Company acknowledges that it is responsible for notifying UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS in writing should the User leave the Company or if access is to be withdrawn.
26. The Content on this website, and these Terms of Use, are subject to change or updating by UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS at any time. The changes may include superseding Terms of Use or specific notices. We will notify you of any changes we make when next you log on to the UOSC, and you will be required to accept these changes in order to continue to use the UOSC.
27. The information contained in this website has been prepared in accordance with the APPLICABLE LAWS:
- Where the Contracting Entity is Utmost Worldwide Limited, the laws of Guernsey apply and by accessing, and using, this website you irrevocably agree that the courts of Guernsey are to have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes which arise out of or in connection with this website or the information contained in this website, that accordingly any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this website or the information contained in this website may be brought in such court.
- Where the Contracting Entity is Utmost PanEurope dac, the laws of Ireland apply and by accessing, and using, this website you irrevocably agree that the courts of Ireland are to have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes which arise out of or in connection with this website or the information contained in this website, that accordingly any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this website or the information contained in this website may be brought in such court.
28. The UOSC uses cookies, as defined and in accordance with the Privacy Statement. By accepting these Terms of Use, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with this Privacy Statement.
29. Please refer to our Privacy Statement and note that in using the UOSC, you agree with the collection, the use and the disclosure of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Statement.
The following definitions apply throughout these Terms of Use:
"UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS" ("UCS") is a brand name used by Utmost PanEurope dac and Utmost Worldwide Limited.
"UCS Online Service Centre (the "UOSC")" is an online service provided by Utmost PanEurope dac and Utmost Worldwide Limited trading as UTMOST CORPORATE SOLUTIONS and it enables you to view your Policy, communicate securely with us, upload documents and have access to research and product details and other materials.
"Policy" means any policy or policies maintained by or for you from time to time with us that may be accessed via the UOSC.
"Security Information" means any security procedures, passwords, security keys, cards, personal identifiers, codes, PINs or encryption devices provided to or agreed with you for use in connection with the services to be provided under the Agreement.
"The Company" relates to the company for which the User is employed and has been granted permission to access the UOSC.